Monday, May 10, 2010


And this is when we discover whether or not it has all been a colossal failure...


Tuesday, May 04, 2010 as you know it will be going away soon. Due to some changes in Blogger's operations, I'm kind of forced to make some changes that were needed anyway. There is no time frame for when anything new will come of this. For now, let the blogging vacation continue!


Sunday, January 10, 2010
Caught a moment of Lord of the Flies on TV today and it made me think.

Do you read books more than once? We watch movies repeatedly, but how many books have you ever read more than once?

Lord of the Flies is one of them for me. I think I've only read it twice, once just recently. I've read the first 4 Harry Potter books at least twice.

I think Catcher in the Rye must take the cake. I'm certain I've read it at least three or four times.

I can't, off the top of my head, think of any others I've actually read more than once.

I suppose a book is just so much more of a time commitment and requires so much more attention... if I'm going to devote the time I want to explore new worlds. I guess I've never really thought much about it. I do need to read more. One of those things I do really love that I don't think I have time for, meanwhile I'm wasting my time away online, etc. Working on that...


Friday, December 18, 2009

I'm contemplating doing something different here... but what? What indeed. Maybe I'll have two seconds to think about it after the holidays.


Saturday, July 18, 2009
America's Got Talent makes me cry every week. Which... obviously means I'm a complete sap. But, despite all the complete idiots who are surely just looking to get on TV, there is just something so powerful about seeing ordinary people who posses extraordinary and beautiful talents.

I often catch my friends, family, acquaintances, in moments where they just shine. Where they are just being who they are and doing what they love. Things they may take for granted, moments they may take for granted.

Lately I've been putting a lot of thought into who I am. Who I want to be. What makes me me and what makes me happy.

How can I tap into that magic we all have inside of us?


Friday, July 03, 2009
I absolutely MUST move to the sea. Any sea will do. Probably even a Great Lake would suffice, though the waves are just NOT that impressive. Usually.

And frankly, I'm not a very tropical person. I'm thinking Pacific Northwest, or maybe Maine... perhaps even as far South as Virginia. I suppose I'd *settle* for the UK. I mean... in my experience the views from the cliffs on the East coast of Scotland are *okay*. :)

Anyway, sometimes I feel like every day I spend NOT living next to an enormous body of water is a day completely wasted.

On that note... off to Lake Michigan for the briefest of trips this weekend!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thanks Jess. Ollie and I will keep this in mind for our next playdate. We look like we need cigars.


Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Ugh. I just witnessed an epic display of humanity and nature. I'm left feeling a bit nauseated and a bit heartwarmed. Maybe just a bit numb.

I was walking home from near the Capitol, along Grand when I came across a lady and a gentleman who were trying to keep a family of ducks out of traffic along their walk to the river. The gentleman had his eye on the mother and two babies while the lady was trying to wrangle a third duckling who had fallen behind. She was afraid to pick him up because she was afraid the mother would then disown him.

The man disappeared for a bit (later coming back with a box, hoping to collect the babes and get them to safety) so I blocked traffic for the Mom and two of the little ones while they crossed Grand. Looking back... that was probably a mistake. I should have herded them along the west side of the street on the sidewalk until we past the Accident Fund/BWL construction.

It all happened so fast... excitement that the other lady was scurrying towards us with the third baby in hand, confusion as I looked down and saw only one baby at my feet, horror as an enormous hawk swept right past my face with a forth baby I didn't even know existed in his talons, dismay as we realized that now all three living babies had hidden under the cement blocks supporting the construction fence completely out of reach, and total failure as the mother duck panicked and flew away... doubtedly to ever be seen again.

The hawk sat perched on a street light right across the road from us. He mockingly tore the feathers from his prey and spat them down at us. The onlookers gasped, and eventually wandered away. I was left on my hands and knees, sadly peering under the cement blocks, knowing the babies were safe for now, but would never make it to the river.

I was snapped back to reality by the angry yelling of the other lady, "Get out of here, you!" I looked up to see the massive hawk with his gigantic talons perched right next to me on the fence. We scared him away (not before I got a picture) but still... if the babies emerge from their cave, they will be hit by a car, or smooshed by construction equipment. Maybe they'll just starve.

They were the sweetest little things you ever saw up close. The number of people who tried to help was amazing. The awe of watching the food chain in action was humbling.

Intense afternoon!


Monday, May 04, 2009

They should have sent a poet.


Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Race for the Cure is THIS Sunday, April 26th at 2pm in downtown Lansing.

I want to say thank you so much to those of you who have made donation on my behalf. Your support means so much to me! Thanks to your generosity, I am only $25 away from meeting my fundraising goal! I'm also still looking for additional team mates to join us at the event, if anyone is interested. It really is an amazing event and EVERYONE is welcome. Dogs, stroller-babies, friends, family... everyone!

As a reminder:

If you'd like to participate, join my team!

If you'd rather "sleep in for the cure", you can do that too!

Or, if you'd like to just support me through a donation, click here! Donations of ALL sizes are greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much for your past, present, and future support. It means so much to me, and as a team we can make such an impact on our community!

I really hope to see you all there on Sunday!


Monday, April 13, 2009
The selection of kitchen towels at Meijer genuinely depresses me. Why must kitchens be so ugly?


Monday, April 06, 2009
Oh, it's that time of the year again!

That time of year when I ask you to search deep down inside and confess your appreciation for the healthy breasts of all the women in your life. Because we all love boobies, don't we?

This year I will be participating in (and captaining a team in) my 4th Lansing Race for the Cure! This is always the kick-off of my race season and it's such an amazing event. MANY THOUSANDS of people turn out in support of breast cancer research and awareness and it's truly an amazing and inspirational event.

Once again I am asking for your support. And this year, rather than just a financial donation, I would love to encourage your participation in the event. Join my team!

The event takes place on Sunday, April 26th at 2pm in downtown Lansing.

If you'd like to participate, join my team!

If you'd rather "sleep in for the cure", you can do that too!

Or, if you'd like to just support me through a donation, click here! Donations of ALL sizes are greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much for your past, present, and future support. It means so much to me, and as a team we can make such an impact on our community!


Sunday, March 29, 2009
For those of you who were beginning to think it was going to have to take something pretty monumental to inspire me to blog again... the time has come.

GO STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*quickly finagles schedule to open up her Saturday*


Wednesday, February 18, 2009
As this may be my last post before leaving the country, I'd just like to state for the record: Ziploc Easy Zipper gallon-sized multi-purpose storage bags are effing SHIT.

I've had at LEAST half the zipper bits fall right off the bag and one of the bags even split along the top seam so it doesn't seal.

Fair warning to the Packard Family: I regrettably foresee the use of your washer/dryer in the near future. At least all my clothes will smell like yummy Bath & Body Works products... *sigh*







content 2000-2008 © stephanie sweitzer

Kicking Against the Pricks
The Tao of JT
Further From Right
[silver pharos]
Quest for Cognizanse
The Chronicles of G
The Life O'Lynch
One More Cup of Coffee
Lansing Photo

Bath & Body Works
Potter Park Zoo
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